Ventis P Sprayer


Trellis orchard
Trellis vineyard
Vineyard and kiwi GDC
Canopy vineyard and kiwi plants
Olive grove
Citrus grove



Type of spraying

Pneumatic sprayer

Download the data sheet

Pneumatic low volume sprayer

Pneumatic tractor-mounted sprayers, ideal for low volume treatments in vineyards, orchards and olive groves. Nobili fans, ensuring an air speed above 120 m/s, allow VENTIS sprayers to obtain a very fne pulverisation of the spraying mixture and an excellent penetration into vegetation.
Available with interchangeable spray heads to meet the work requirements of different crops. Polyethylene tanks of 400, 500 and 600 liters, all with three completely separate tanks.

Technical features   Ventis 501A-400 P Ventis 502-400 P Ventis 501A-500 P Ventis 502-500 P Ventis 501A-600 P Ventis 502-600 P
Lt. capacity lt 400 400 500 500 600 600
Ø 500 S.A. 500 D.A. 500 D.A. 500 D.A. 500 D.A. 500 D.A.
rpm 4180 4180 4180 4180 4180 4180
m/sec 120 185 120 185 120 185
mc/h 7800 14000 7800 14000 7800 14000
Power HP 50-70 80-90 50-70 80-90 50-70 80-90
KW 37-52 59-66 37-52 59-66 37-52 59-66
Measures A mm 1400 1600 1400 1600 1400 1600
B mm 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230
C mm 1270 1270 1350 1350 1430 1430
Weight KG 290 380 300 390 315 405

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